Costs disputes worth more than £100,000 should be subject to compulsory adjudication, the judge who leads on costs issues in the Court of Appeal has said.
The Solicitors Regulation Authority has completed its investigation into the collapse of SSB Law and issued disciplinary notices to “a number of individuals”.
A report for the Ministry of Justice has called for a review of the selection process used by the Judicial Appointments Commission for salaried judges.
Multi-disciplinary practices are becoming a reality in the US after KPMG was granted an ABS licence and another accountancy firm announced plans to merge with a law firm.
Measured client benefit is the ultimate test of any innovative decision, and projects supported by our LPM team are proven to show increased efficiency and client satisfaction.
Identifying and supporting clients who are vulnerable or in vulnerable circumstances is exceptionally important and for some time been a clear focus of the FCA and SRA.
For family mediation week in January, the Family Mediation Council suggested making a pledge. Mine was to the FMC itself: to make the accreditation process more straightforward.